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Instagram For Windows Crackers

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Facebook Ad Targeting The Big Damn Guide. Jump to SectionAd Targeting Overview. How Targeting Sections Interact. Targeting Audience Sizes. Deep Dive Sections Custom Audiences, Location, Age, Gender, Language, Demographics, Interests, Behaviors, More Categories, Connections. Submit Updates or Changes To This Guide. This guide last updated 0. More than any other paid media platform out there, Facebook Ads have revolutionized the way marketers are able to distribute their content and other messages to a highly targeted audience. In the past, advertisers and media buyers have always been able to go after specific customer segments where theyre likely to be specific TV channels, specific magazines and print media, and even specific websites with display ads. However, over the past decade, Facebook has built the most complete database of demographic and psychographic data that has ever existed. Its taken our targeting abilities to levels that those other options couldnt come close to. Want some examples of Facebooks targeting powers Lets say you own an auto dealership, and you want to get more young professionals in to test drive your latest compact car. Through Facebook, you can now target 2. AUG-knAoZM/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Instagram For Windows Crackers' title='Instagram For Windows Crackers' />The last time I got groceries at our local food shelf was this past February. Food insecurity can happen to any of us. Instagram For Windows Crackers' title='Instagram For Windows Crackers' />Seattle, and who love the Seahawks. Now through Facebooks data partners and the behaviors section you can drill down further into that audience to target the ones who have shown signs of being in the market for a new vehicle. Run a giveaway from free Seahawks T Shirts for anyone who takes a test drive during September plus a chance to win an autographed Russell Wilson jersey, and see what your engagement rate looks like. Now lets say you run a gluten free e commerce subscription service. You might want to target 1. United States with more than 1. See if theyre interested in subscribing to a monthly delivery of your gluten free snacks with a 1. Pretty powerful stuff, right Now what if I told you that we often reached audiences like these for 0. Thats correct. While early campaigns can often cost 1 to 4 per click still a decent price for highly targeted audiences, we can often get those costs down even further after some testing and refinement. Sidenote Our most successful campaigns have ranged from 0. Youll only see these rates on content that Facebook users really love. Wish you were doing targeting like this for your brand In this post, Im going to breakdown every single way you can target Facebook users. A Quick Note On How To Search This Page Weve compiled a pretty exhaustive list of all Facebook targeting options with some exceptions in the Interests category, which is bottomless. Youll probably want to come back to this page at some point to search for a specific targeting entry. To search the page like that, click the Expand All button below to expand all targeting info sections, then hit CTRL F to find any text on this page. These sections are closed by default, otherwise this page would be huge. Expand All Targeting Lists. Collapse All Targeting Lists. Facebook Ad Targeting Overview Facebook ad targeting can be broken down into 8 categories. This is the high level overview well cover them all in more depth shortly. Custom Audiences these are groups you create based upon your email lists, phone numbers, app users, or website retargetingLocation DMA, zip code, city, county, state, or countryAge Gender. Demographics income, job title, employer name, language, relationship status, education, financial, home ownership, parental status, etc. Interests everything from brand pages to celebrities and most topics you can think ofBehaviors charitable activities, online shopping habits, car shopping, financial spending, mobile devices, travel habits, etc. More Categories expats of specific countries and their friendfamilyConnections people connected to your page, app, or eventHeres how theyre laid out in the Facebook Ad Targeting section labeled Create Your Ad Set OK got all of thatExcellent lets quickly dicuss how these targeting sections add and subtract from one another, and then well get into the nitty gritty breakdown of every targeting section. How Targeting Sections Interact. Facebook Ad Targeting sections are a bit tricky the first time you use them when youre trying to go after two targeting options in the same section. Sometimes you add a targeting option thinking your audience will get smaller but it gets bigger. And sometimes you select another option and the audience gets smaller or disappears entirely. Heres how that all works I start off with users who like Kanye West 2. Then I ADD people who like Taylor Swift. Kanye West and Taylor Swift are additive because theyre both in the Interests targeting group. So, our audience members like one or the other, but not necessarily both. However, when I target people who specifically are college grads the audience gets smaller. Were filtering to people who like Kanye West OR Taylor Swift AND who have a college degree. So when we add new options to the current category, like multiple interests, our audience size gets bigger. When we add new targeting categories like education level, our audience size gets smaller. Make sense Great lets move on and look at the sections in more depth. Targeting Audience Sizes. You have to get your target audience size larger or smaller based upon your campaign goals and budget. In some cases, youll want small audiences 1,0. In other cases, it will make more sense to go after a mid sized audience of 1. I dont recommend targeting audiences with millions of people unless you have a monstrous budget and zero accountability for how its spent. Even if you do want to reach audiences that large, its still better to slice that group into smaller segments and create custom creative assets for each segment. By doing this youll see better performance than using one large set of creative. Another thing I have found is that when promoting content, we often get cheaper results on a CPE, CPC, or CPM basis from audiences of 1. I suspect that this is somewhat baked into Facebooks pricing model charging you for more tightly targeted audiences the same way youd pay more for any niche advertising in print or digital. Facebook Custom Audiences. Custom Audiences are typically built in one of 3 ways Import A Customer List  Match your customer email lists, phone numbers, Facebook user IDs or mobile advertiser IDs to people on Facebook. Tracking Your Website Traffic  Create a list of people who visit your website or view specific web pages. This requires you to place a tracking pixel on your website that Facebook provides. Tracking Your App Activity  Create a list of people who have taken a specific action in your app or game. This requires you to connect Facebook to your app or game. You can Include OR Exclude a custom audience from the group of people youre targeting, which can be really handy for excluding users who have already seen your thank you pages after a transaction is finished. Facebook Location Targeting. Location is one of the more obvious targeting options, but has some unexpected characteristics depending on when the user was in that location. You can choose from the following location types Countries. Countiesregions. Cities. ZIPpostal codes. Addresses. Designated Market AreasYou can filter these further based upon time frame Everyone in this location default optionPeople who live in this location. People recently in this location. Theres a food drive happening at the school where I work. Several bins have been set up throughout the hallways, with cute kid decorated signs that implore us to SCARE HUNGER and donate non perishables for the local food shelf. As I am wont to do, I look at the food as I walk by. Why Because I like food. Its like porn to me. I wish I was lying. So I walk by, several times a day, and gaze at the donations. Dang. We have some swanky grocery shoppers at our schoolthe bins are filled with fancy foodstuff, lots of organic offerings, and some deviations from the standard mac and cheeseboxes of spaghetti. Theres rice pasta, artichoke hearts packed in seasoned oil, gluten free crackers, olive tapenade. I look at those bins like Sylvester looked at Tweety Bird. Like I was doing earlier this week. Walking by, checking out the bins. One of the women who helped organize the drive was in the hallway, and I called out to her Wow Look at all this awesomeness or something similarly enlightening. She beamed and said, I know The parents at this school are amazing. As she was saying this, another woman happened by. She smiled at us, like people who see each other several times a day in passing do, and then she said this Too bad they wont know what to do with most of it. It was one of those moments in life, when your ears hear something but your brain cant quite process it. I was fairly certain Id just heard her say what I thought Id heard her saybut it didnt really sink in. It floated there, like a film of rainbow hued oil over a puddle in the street. I spoke up, while she was still within earshot. What do you mean I wanted to know. I wanted to verify what she said, make sure I hadnt misunderstood. The woman stopped. She turned towards me, one hand holding a couple of manila folders, the other resting lightly on her hip. She was still smiling. Those people wont know what most of that is. I mean, really, quinoaYep. Id heard her correctly. Those people. The last time I got groceries at our local food shelf was this past February. Eight months ago. The long overdue child support from my ex kicked in later that month, and although it wasnt much, it made the difference between being able to buy groceries and having to get them from a food shelf. For that, Im grateful. Those people. I can still remember the first time I visited the food shelf. I had driven by, so many times, trying to work up the courage to pull into the parking lot. Id whisper to myself, dammit, I cant and Id keep driving, home to the barren fridge and the Old Mother Hubbard cupboards. Until the desperation overshadowed my pride. Those people. Once you get past the hardest part, which is walking through the door, being at the food shelf isnt so bad. I mean, its not something that inspires one to burst into song and run around high fiving people, but as far as life experiences go, not so bad. Sure, theres the heat on your cheeks as you fill out the paperwork, giving these strangers your life history. Telling them how you got into this pickle. This predicament. Telling them what you do for money, how much you get and how you spend it. But you get used to having hot cheeks. You become accustomed to averting your gaze so as not to make too much eye contact. You eventually become, dare I say, comfortable at the food shelf. Those people. I quickly found out that food shelves are a lot like TJ Maxxits hit or miss. Some days the shelves are full, and full of really good things. Annies Mac and Cheese. Organic marinara sauce. Fresh vegetables. Whole chickens in the freezer. Brie from Trader Joes thats only 2 days past the expiration date. Other days, you have to scramble to even get near the required weight of food in your cart yeahyou get a certain number of pounds of food, depending on the size of your family. Dented cans of creamed corn. Spoiled produce that even the most resourceful, broke chef couldnt salvage. Individual sleeves of saltine crackers. But beggars cant be choosers, right Those people. I visited the food shelf a total of 5 times in about 1. I only told one friend. I told my kids, and when I did, I expected them to laugh, or get angry, or embarrassed. They didnt do any of those things. They helped me put the groceries away, and they did so quietly, not saying much other than the occasional exclamation of Yum or Gross I can recall for you, on command, most of the meals I made with food shelf goodies. Oven roasted chicken with quartered rosemary potatoes. Turkey chili. French toast. More mac and cheese than I care to admit. One of my favorites was an organic risotto, flavored with mushrooms and olive oil. Those people. I wanted to walk up to that woman in the hallway, and smack the folders out of her hand. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake her as I got up in her face and yell at her YOU CLUELESS, PRETENTIOUS BITCH YOU DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO WALK INTO ONE OF THOSE PLACES AND BE ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE YOUVE NEVER HAD TO SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE AND ADMIT THAT YOU NEED A HAND YOUVE NEVER LOOKED AT YOUR KIDS AND HAD TO HIDE YOUR TEARS BECAUSE YOU HAD NO IDEA HOW YOU WERE GOING TO FEED THEMYOU KNOW WHAT THOSE PEOPLE WILL BE MOTHER EFFING GRATEFUL TO SEE THIS FOOD. THEYLL BE SAYING SILENT PRAYERS AS THEY BOX THAT SHIT UP AND BRING IT HOME AND MAKE IT FOR THEIR FAMILIES. AND THEY WILL NEVER FORGET HOW IT FELT TO BE SO THANKFUL FOR SOMETHING AS SIMPLE AS FOODI wanted to say that, but I didnt. Instead, all I could muster was,I like quinoa. To which she replied, Well yes, of course. Youre not one of those people. If only she knew.

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