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Medicine Wikipedia. Medicine is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others. Medicine has existed for thousands of years, during most of which it was an art an area of skill and knowledge frequently having connections to the religious and philosophical beliefs of local culture. For example, a medicine man would apply herbs and say prayers for healing, or an ancient philosopher and physician would apply bloodletting according to the theories of humorism. In recent centuries, since the advent of modern science, most medicine has become a combination of art and science both basic and applied, under the umbrella of medical science. Trusted source for free download of CBSE NCERT Books. IRDA, Insurance Institute of India, Associateship Life and nonLife Papers IRDA, Insurance Institute of India, Foundation Of casualty Actuarial Science, Part 2 Papers. While stitching technique for sutures is an art learned through practice, the knowledge of what happens at the cellular and molecular level in the tissues being stitched arises through science. Prescientific forms of medicine are now known as traditional medicine and folk medicine. They remain commonly used with or instead of scientific medicine and are thus called alternative medicine. For example, evidence on the effectiveness of acupuncture is variable and inconsistent for any condition,2 but is generally safe when done by an appropriately trained practitioner. In contrast, treatments outside the bounds of safety and efficacy are termed quackery. EtymologyeditMedicine British English   listen American English   listen is the science and practice of the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. The word medicine is derived from Latinmedicus, meaning a physician. Bart Davenport Physical World Rare here. Clinical practiceeditMedical availability and clinical practice varies across the world due to regional differences in culture and technology. Modern scientific medicine is highly developed in the Western world, while in developing countries such as parts of Africa or Asia, the population may rely more heavily on traditional medicine with limited evidence and efficacy and no required formal training for practitioners. Even in the developed world however, evidence based medicine is not universally used in clinical practice for example, a 2. In modern clinical practice, physicians personally assess patients in order to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease using clinical judgment. The doctor patient relationship typically begins an interaction with an examination of the patients medical history and medical record, followed by a medical interview1. Basic diagnostic medical devices e. After examination for signs and interviewing for symptoms, the doctor may order medical tests e. Differential diagnosis methods help to rule out conditions based on the information provided. During the encounter, properly informing the patient of all relevant facts is an important part of the relationship and the development of trust. The medical encounter is then documented in the medical record, which is a legal document in many jurisdictions. Follow ups may be shorter but follow the same general procedure, and specialists follow a similar process. The diagnosis and treatment may take only a few minutes or a few weeks depending upon the complexity of the issue. The components of the medical interview1. Soul Togetherness 2013 Rar Download. Chief complaint CC the reason for the current medical visit. These are the symptoms. They are in the patients own words and are recorded along with the duration of each one. Medical Entrance Books Free Download Pdf' title='Medical Entrance Books Free Download Pdf' />Click the button below to get the available options to download the free A Manual on Clinical Surgery 10th Edition by S. Das free pdf download ebook pdf links. Also called chief concern or presenting complaint. Artificial Intelligence Elaine Rich And Kevin Knight Second Edition. History of present illness HPI the chronological order of events of symptoms and further clarification of each symptom. Distinguishable from history of previous illness, often called past medical history PMH. Medical history comprises HPI and PMH. Medical Entrance Books Free Download Pdf' title='Medical Entrance Books Free Download Pdf' />Current activity occupation, hobbies, what the patient actually does. Medications Rx what drugs the patient takes including prescribed, over the counter, and home remedies, as well as alternative and herbal medicinesherbal remedies. Allergies are also recorded. Past medical history PMHPMHx concurrent medical problems, past hospitalizations and operations, injuries, past infectious diseases or vaccinations, history of known allergies. Social history SH birthplace, residences, marital history, social and economic status, habits including diet, medications, tobacco, alcohol. Family history FH listing of diseases in the family that may impact the patient. A family tree is sometimes used. Review of systems ROS or systems inquiry a set of additional questions to ask, which may be missed on HPI a general enquiry have you noticed any weight loss, change in sleep quality, fevers, lumps and bumpsMedical Entrance Books Free Download PdfThe physical examination is the examination of the patient for medical signs of disease, which are objective and observable, in contrast to symptoms which are volunteered by the patient and not necessarily objectively observable. The healthcare provider uses the senses of sight, hearing, touch, and sometimes smell e. Four actions are the basis of physical examination inspection, palpation feel, percussion tap to determine resonance characteristics, and auscultation listen, generally in that order although auscultation occurs prior to percussion and palpation for abdominal assessments. Biggest Educational Portal CBSE Sample Paper, NCERT Books, CBSE Circulars, Study Material, SSC, UPSC. Best Classroom Coaching Institute for IIT JEE MainAdvanced, Pre Medical PMTAIIMSNEET Entrance Coaching Classes Aakash DelhiIndia. Book Online NowThe clinical examination involves the study of Vital signs including height, weight, body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration rate, and hemoglobin oxygen saturation. General appearance of the patient and specific indicators of disease nutritional status, presence of jaundice, pallor or clubbingSkin. Head, eye, ear, nose, and throat HEENTCardiovascular heart and blood vesselsRespiratory large airways and lungsAbdomen and rectum. Genitalia and pregnancy if the patient is or could be pregnantMusculoskeletal including spine and extremitiesNeurological consciousness, awareness, brain, vision, cranial nerves, spinal cord and peripheral nervesPsychiatric orientation, mental state, evidence of abnormal perception or thought. It is to likely focus on areas of interest highlighted in the medical history and may not include everything listed above. The treatment plan may include ordering additional medical laboratory tests and medical imaging studies, starting therapy, referral to a specialist, or watchful observation. Follow up may be advised. Depending upon the health insurance plan and the managed care system, various forms of utilization review, such as prior authorization of tests, may place barriers on accessing expensive services. The medical decision making MDM process involves analysis and synthesis of all the above data to come up with a list of possible diagnoses the differential diagnoses, along with an idea of what needs to be done to obtain a definitive diagnosis that would explain the patients problem. On subsequent visits, the process may be repeated in an abbreviated manner to obtain any new history, symptoms, physical findings, and lab or imaging results or specialist consultations.

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